Due to the fact more and more people visit the site, we feel it’s our obligation to provide you, the visitor, with as good of a news flow as possible. Therefore the time has come to let some new voices be heard on 9x.se. The question is – do you have what it takes?
Let yourself answer these questions:
  • Do I want to write news/articles for 9x.se?
  • Are my language skills sufficient to write to the public?
  • Can I keep up with the flow of the media in general?
If you answered these three questions with a yes, then please read on.
Furthermore you work well in groups, have no problem taking criticism and feel proud to represent 9x.se.

Is this you? Then please mail us at info@9x.se. Your mail should include:
  • Personal presentation
  • Short description on why you’re a great writer
  • A sample news (truthful with sources specified)
There is no time limit on when you should have sent in your application. Worth to add is that all work on 9x.se is nonprofit and without financial compensation (for all). With that said, there is just to wish all the applicants good luck and hope to see you in our mailbox!
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